Monday, January 30, 2012

Rations, 1914

The purpose of this reading is to detail the ration system for British and German troops in the year 1914. It tells of the different rations for the different types of troops. Such as, the British Indian troops recieved one pound of fresh meat, whereas other British soldiers recieved one and a quater pounds of fresh meat.

The fact that the different nationalities within the troops recieved different rations struck me as odd and unjust. Just that people would base how much of what food another person was allowed to eat by what their ethnic background was is completely unethical and inhumane.

This genereated the idea that, throught time, people have always treated others wrongly solely on whether or not that person was like them. Racism and racial profiling has been a problem throughout all of history.

This parallels to how China is only allowing couples to have one child. Although this passage is talking about food and China is limiting the number of children a person is allowed to have, they are both rationing one thing or another.

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