Monday, January 30, 2012

Kaiser Wilhelm II A Place in the Sun, 1901

This reading passage tells of a man's opinion of how he believed that the Germans should be the leading naval power. He says that all men should participate in the navy because that is where the future of Germany is headed. Wilhelm says that the best place to go to find the ultimate sense of freedom than on the seas.

The part that stood out to me the most was were Wilhelm says that the boat was named after his daughter. I found that interesting because it seemed almost as if he was bragging on his daughter. The rest of the reading is about Germany's navy and then Wilhelm starts talking about his daughter and it did not really fit with the rest of the passage.

This generated the idea that Germans once believed that they would become a naval super power. This idea never came to me before because Germany is not a costal country so I never really envisioned them needing to have much of a navy.

This correlates to the Middle Eastern countries who are forming a new government setup. Even though this reading was about a navy, they were still trying to form a new system just as the Middle East is trying to do right now with their political arrangements. These parallel each other because they are both trying to devise a new program that they think will benefit them in the long run.

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